The New Notes from the Shack

If you’ve been reading Notes from the Shack for a while, you’ll notice that the focus has shifted a bit. That’s intentional–I had been writing in recent months about quitting my job and starting a new life working for myself in my home office, but that endeavor has taken on a life of its own in a new blog I’ve been writing since September 2008–Underpants Office. If you’re still interested in that stuff, please head on over there and subscribe.

The focus of Notes from the Shack is shifting back to what I had originally hoped it would be when I started it–home recording and making music.

“The Shack” is the name I gave my little home studio/office/study/station a long time ago, when I became an amateur radio operator. Radio nerds usually refer to the place where they have their radios set up as their “radio shack” or just “the shack.” My shack is a back bedroom that is home to my books, my radio gear, my home office workspace, my junk, and my home recording gear. If it sounds like a lot of stuff for one room, you’re right–it gets a little crowded in here at times. That means I have to constantly be careful to keep things as simple and compact as possible, but that’s a good thing.

So I’m eager to get back to writing about home studio recording and stuff. The recording world has changed a lot since I first got into it, and it’s still changing all the time. This blog won’t touch much on high-end tools, because my set-up is very low-end. Although there are some whose home recording setups rival those in professional studios, most of us get by on a lot less gear (or a lot worse gear), and we’re always looking for ways to improve the quality of our recordings, even though we can’t buy the best stuff. That’s where I’m headed with this, so I hope you’ll enjoy it and benefit from it. I also hope you’ll subscribe, so you won’t miss any of the content that is posted here.


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